One rule that shapes your will

In a world characterized by complex moral systems, our church is taking a bold new path. We have recognized that our traditional ten commandments, although valuable, often pose a great challenge. That is why we are taking a new, clear but alternative approach.

From ten to one: a practical adaptation

Our church has a long history with the Ten Commandments. While these provide comprehensive moral guidance, many people find it difficult to follow all ten commandments consistently. This realization has led us to look for new solutions.

The One Rule as an answer

From this consideration came the idea of focusing on a single, fundamental rule:

‘Live how you want BUT with respect and consideration for others.’

This rule summarizes the essence of our ethical convictions in a simple but powerful sentence. It allows individual freedom, but at the same time emphasizes responsibility towards others.

- Focus: A single rule helps us to focus our moral energy.
- Feasibility: It is easier to stick to one rule than ten.
- Clarity: Simplicity leaves little room for misunderstanding.
- Universality: This rule can be easily applied to different life situations.
- Willpower: It is psychologically less stressful to concentrate on a single principle.

Practical application in everyday life

The simplicity of this rule enables anyone to integrate it into their daily life:

- Pause before making decisions and think: ‘Am I showing respect and consideration with this?’
- In conflict situations, ask: ‘How can I fulfill my needs while remaining considerate?’
- Regular self-reflection: ‘Am I acting in accordance with this rule? Where can I develop further?’

The power of simplicity

By focusing on this one rule, we set a realistic and achievable benchmark for ethical behavior. We recognize the challenges of the human will and offer a path that is both challenging and achievable.

Conclusion: A step towards a better community

This approach promises not only a simplification of our moral principles, but also a deeper, more conscious implementation of ethical behavior in everyday life. It is a call to each individual to actively contribute to a more harmonious community - a goal that can be realized with this one rule.

Yours, Ash