Matter Is The Minimum

Without matter, we are nothing. Nevertheless, we burn, burn and destroy our planet piece by piece. We wear it out, change it to the global disadvantage and lie to ourselves. Behind us the deluge, says the vernacular and there are wise words in it. If we believe the traditional words, the Flood was already more than once there, whether by the divine power summoned, or by our own ignorance and stupidity.

God has created us with brain and the head is round, so that the thinking can change its direction - and also your past faith. Faith AND will can move mountains, so grab your head and believe - in yourself. You can make it. Believe in yourself and in us as a community that sticks together and respects its fellow man and our planet.

And respect has become a rare commodity on this planet. Have respect for each other! And have respect for your environment! And respect and esteem will also come to you.

Yours, Ash